July 6 to October 27 2024


An exhibition that inspires visitors to get out of the museum—it sounds a bit illogical, but that is exactly what happens in the Veranderland (a combination of the Dutch words for ‘change’ and ‘land’) exhibition that starts on 6 July! Go exploring: wander the museum galleries, listen to a podwalk or grab a travel guide. Discover and rediscover the landscape, both within and outside the museum walls. How is the country changing, and what do these changes mean for us? 

Erik van Lieshout, Without titel, 2024. Vinyl on paper, 180 x 275 cm. Courtesy Erik van Lieshout en Annet Gelink Gallery, Amsterdam
Leon Adriaans, Sterrenbos, 1996. Maker: Frans van Santvoort. On loan from Marc en Bea Bozon

Another view

Veranderland takes you into the story of the constantly changing landscape. Artworks by Van Gogh and Mondrian meet video works by Semâ Bekirović and Erik van Lieshout. 

Van Lieshout's new, humorous film—and five-foot-tall straw rabbit—brings the sometimes tense interests in the landscape up close. Last year, he worked in an abandoned farmhouse at the heart of De Peel. His interviews with farmers, politicians, environmentalists and people from the art world form the common thread throughout the film premiering in the exhibition. 

Peat Cutting at Deurne, mid-20th century. Photograph (reproduction). Source: National Archives, The Hague, Photograph collection of the Nederlandse Heidemaatschappij

Watch, listen and discover

Continue your exploration after you leave the museum with a travel guide with background information on the artworks and stories about extraordinary places in the area. The travel guide includes the Veranderland map, which offers more information about extraordinary and changing places accessible on foot or by bicycle in and around Den Bosch. The podwalk will take you outside and inspire you with stories that accompany artworks. 

The Veranderland Lab in the exhibition is a playful space designed to inspire visitors to explore the landscape anew and see it from a different perspective. 

Foto Het Noordbrabants Museum

Veranderland activiteiten

In addition to the exhibition, there is a full programme consisting of three major events and a series of workshops and public talk shows in and around the museum. 

In the summer, special walks are organised for people of all ages in cooperation with IVN, an organisation specialising in nature education. Discover the animals that live around Den Bosch and experience the changing landscape from the perspective of a bee or a weatherfish. In September and October, Veranderland provides the backdrop for a series of talk shows and special tours for the whole family. More information to follow. 

On Friday, 20 September, there will be an extra “green edition” of the Museum Night, during which both Het Noordbrabants Museum and Design Museum Den Bosch offer free admission. A grand closing Harvest Festival is planned for 27 October, where the experiences and ideas gained from the exhibition will be shared. 

Veranderland was made possible by support from Het Cultuurfonds, thanks in part to the Dubbel Breed Fonds. 

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